Does any one have the schematics for this ASUS Mainboard?
ASUS B250 Mining Expert Mainboard
Rev 1.02
by any chance you can help me find a replacment for this part on the board in USA?Not yet available.
Capacitor 561uf 6.3 vby any chance you can help me find a replacment for this part on the board in USA?
No problem you can take it off .Thank you
561uF 6.3V Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor
if that one capcitor n the board is shorted inside and the Mainboard does keeps rebooting every 20 sec or so, would it be safe to take it off and turn on the board without it?
Sorry we can’t suggest any service there.Can anyone recommend a repair service for this board in USA?
Is ASUS out of warranty repair fair price?
Добрый день, уважаемые коллеги! Нашли ли вы схему для данной материнской платы?Есть ли у кого-нибудь схемы этой материнской платы ASUS?
Материнская плата ASUS B250 Mining Expert
Ред. 1.02
MSIP-REM-MSQ-B250 Майнинг